Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kick Ass Quinoa

I'm guest posting today over on my sister's blog, Feather Spirit

Ruth has a fantastic blog focused on creativity, soul, nature, and self-care where she has created  a wonderful "sanctuary" to share her ideas.  I've definitely learned a thing or two (or many!) from the girl, and I'm sure you can, too.

Today I wrote about my approach to food as fuel and shared my favorite quinoa recipe, which has been forever dubbed "Kick Ass Quinoa."  It's full of flavor as well as nutritious, and the perfect salad to transition you into warmer weather. 

Come check it out!


Kayla said...

Maybe you can help me with this. Where the H do you find quinoa at the grocery store? I've been emanating to try cooking something with quinoa for months, but can't find the stuff!! Honestly, I need a road map for the grocery store. It's like hide and seek for me.

Kayla said...

*trying. I've been trying to cook something with quinoa. No idea where "emanating" came from...or what that even means.

Rachel said...

I had a brain freeze today and did the same thing! In my Whole Foods the quinoa is with the rice/couscous/lentils. If you don't find it there, maybe try the gluten-free section, if there is one?

Kristin said...

SOO DELICIOUS! And really easy!

Rachel said...

I'm so glad you liked it!

Wise living said...

Same here. One grocer sells quinoa with rice only. I'll check a specialist store.

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